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By Laws
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- By Laws
Article I- Name:
Abaluhyia Networking Group
Article II- Offices and Registered Agent
Company physical address
Company phone
Registered agent
Article III – Business Purpose:
Mission statement: Bringing together Luhyias through networking, with a common goal of assuring social and welfare of the Abaluhyias.
Article IV – Fiscal year:
The Fiscal year for the group will be from April 1st to March 31st. The books and records of the group will be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and Section 703 (b) of the Internal Revenue code and the regulations there under.
Article V – Members:
5.1 Members defined; Members will be of Luhyia descend either by birth, family or naturalization through marriage. Must be 21 years or older. Must be an active participant in the group.
5.2 Membership dues;
Each member expected to pay initial one-time $ 50 registration fee and $ 25 annually. Annual dues must be paid up by 3/31/2019. Both fees are non-refundable.
5.3 Withdrawal of membership;
If annual fees are not paid by April 30th of every year, membership will be automatically withdrawn
5.4 Re-instatement of Membership;
If a withdrawn member wishes to be re-instated, the member will be required to pay the initial $50 non-refundable registration fee.
Article VI- Members Meetings:
6.1 Annual Meetings; There will be 4 meetings in a year (3 will be on Saturdays and 1 will be on a Sunday).
6.2 Special Meetings; These meetings may be called by leadership Team at anytime to discuss matters of importance to members
6.3 Notice; The chairperson or Secretary of the group will deliver notice stating the date, time, place and purpose of any meeting to each member entitled to vote at the meeting. Notice will be given not less than 14 days and no more than 60 days before the date of that meeting
6.4 Voting; Only active members can vote. A vote will be considered final and legal with Majority vote agreement 50% +1
Every active member is entitled to only 1 vote
The Board has the power VETO the vote
6.5 Participation; An active member may participate and vote at any meeting in person, via telephone conference call or similar equipment or by Proxy
Article VII – Accounts:
The group will have 1 financial account. The Treasurer will maintain a written and electronic record for each member contribution. The account will have 3 required signatures. The account will be reviewed 4 times a year during the annual meetings.
7.1 Auditors; The group will have different random general active members that are not part of the leadership team, these people will also audit the account record prior to each meeting.
Article VII – Officials and their responsibilities:
8.1 Leadership Team:
- Chair Person… Judith Magwana
- Vice chair… Apollo Ndongi
- Secretary… Helen Abwavo
- Treasury…Arthur Andega, Tina Rowland and Allan Rubia
- Technical Administrative Personnel… Elizabeth Ndongi and Alfred Misaki
- Organizing committee… Della Muhavi & Kevin Wandera.
- Social Network Personnel… Kennedy Lugonzo
- Regional Representative…Reuben Khasiani(Athens), Rose/Alfred(Gwinnett), Sebastian Ongoma(Dekalb), Kennedy Lugonzo/
8.2 Chair person;
- Shall be responsible for day to day operating of the group
- Shall preside at all meetings
- Shall have the general powers and duties of managing the group
8.3 Vice Chair Person;
- Shall assist the Chair Person in day to day operations
- Shall assume chair person responsibility in the event chair person not available
8.4 Secretary;
- Shall act as the group Public relations officer
- Shall keep a record of all minutes of all meetings of the group
- Shall give notices for all meetings to the group members
- Minutes shall have state the time and place where all the meetings were held; whether regular or special; if special how called or authorized, the names of all present at the meetings and an account of the proceedings.
- Shall perform other duties as prescribed by the president.
8.5 Treasurer;
- Keep and maintain adequate correct books and records of the group’s account
- On Quarterly basis update members on their account status, Will prepare quarterly statements for members who wish to view.
- File in a timely manner federal and state tax returns as law may require
- Report to the Chair person and the leadership team an account of all transactions and financial condition of the group account.
- Shall have such powers and perform duties as determined by the chair person
8.6 Administrative Personnel;
- Shall keep an electronic record of members’ phone numbers, occupation, addresses and e-mail address.
- Shall work with the treasurer and secretary to keep membership rosters updated as things change.
- Shall update members at each meeting of our membership numbers to- date.
8.7 Organizing committee;
- Shall put a group together of members to help organize yearly picnic or party
- Shall assist with locations, ideas and planning
- Shall work with the leadership team to coordinate events
8.8 Regional Representative;
- Shall be available to help new Luhyia in the region navigate the system i.e schools, best places to live, and help them network.
8.9 Social Network personnel;
- Shall assist in keeping the group Social media free of non-group related, rude, pornographic, family sensitive, chain letter etc posts.
- Shall send out 2 private warning to offenders, on the 3rd warning Member is at risk of being blocked.
- Shall post the guidelines of the social media page for new members at least quarterly so keep everyone informed.
Article IX – Leadership:
9.1 Terms; Leaders will be voted in by the members. They will serve for 2-year period unless they resign, become incapacitate, or are asked to resign.
9.2 Vacancies; In any case of death, resignation, removal of any leader, a nomination ballot shall be send out to members via social media, text, e-mail and US mail. New members will be voted in as per guidelines.
9.3 Resignation; A Leader may resign at any time by giving written notice to the secretary of the Group. A successor may be elected to take office when the resignation becomes effective.
Article X – Duration, Dissolution:
10.1 Duration; Group will continue in existence until dissolved pursuant to the article or the LLC laws of the state of Georgia
10.2 Dissolution; The Group will be dissolved and have its affairs wound up and terminated upon the determination of all of the members to dissolve the company, or upon the occurrence of any other event causing the company under the LLC laws of the state of Georgia.